The Heart Foundation, Active Living NSW and the NSW Government have published 'Liveability and Local Government: embedding liveability into council's strategic planning processes. I was the writer on the team, working closely with Laura Oakley (of the Heart Foundation) for over 18 months. Finalistaion was delayed by Covid and missed the introduction of Local Stratergic Planning Staements (LSPS) by councils, and a missed a number of other recent developmets (including the bushfires and the pandemic).
Despite the delays it is a useful resource for the current reviews of councils' Community Strategic Plans (given the upcoming 2021 elections). Also, the LSPS process in NSW (especially in Sydney) was rushed, and the advice stands for ongoing reviews and updates. For Local Health Districts and other stakeholders it is still a valuable resource on understanding and utilising councils' strategic planning activities.
On the same day, the Heart Foundation published the third edition of the 'Guide to utilising councils' Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework (IPRF) to promote Active Living and Healthy Eating' and an overarching, simple guide to accompany these two detailed resources. The IPRF guide was reviewed and updated by Karen Legge. I am pleased to see the update, as I was the writer on the Team for the first two editions (2010-11) for the Premier's Council For Active Living.